Technical FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About Technical Problems


Do you have a default firewall enabled?
No — but you can customize your firewall options after the installation.
Do you provide console access?
We provide console access via VNC through our control panel.
What kind of Virtualization do you use?
We use KVM and XEN Virtualization.
What kind of Network does Skynube run on?
All Skynube physical nodes are connected via ethernet to switches. All core routers are uplinked via 10-gigE uplinks to providers.
What processor models does Skynube run on?
We use Intel Xeon Server processors. To view the clock speed and other details of the CPU on the hypervisor you are assigned, run this command on the command line: cat /proc/cpuinfo
Do you offer Windows servers?
Yes, we offer Windows Cloud Servers unlike our competitors.
Can I get a custom plan of CPU, RAM, or Disk / just increase SSD space?
Yes. You can create a custom plan at “Create Your Cloud” section and purchase.
How can I request a new feature?
Skynube attaches importance to its customers requests. You can express your requests in Communiation section. We’ll be happy to have your feedback. Skynube will consider these requests and turn back to you.